Make It Clear
Transparency...what is it? Well, simply put, it means to be clear. Without deception, dimension. It is what is with no tricks or gimmicks. And today, we need more of it. Most of us lead a pretty decent lifestyle. We live comfortably or APPEAR to live that way. Well, if we are appearing to be something we aren't, that isn't transparent. There is nothing 100 about that! We do this in believing that we are tricking others, but who are we really fooling is ourselves. We serve a transparent God. A God who is REAL and sits high and looks low. He sees and knows all. And if you think that by not being transparent in your ways is fooling Him, you have gotten it all wrong. Our transparency has a everything to do with our blessings. And everything to do with our relationship with Him. If God denied you while you did EVERYTHING right, how would you feel? We that is how He feels when He sent His Son to die in our place so we may have free will. Freedom of choice and become who we are sup...