God Has Not Forgotten

Your cries have been heard. Your tears and prayers are not in vain! God hears you! He has not forgotten you! Everything that you have worked for up to this point...all the sacrifices...aren't for nothing! Your reward is coming! When God releases the flood of prosperity into your life, just know that it is your season.

Every person goes through seasonal changes. Just like the world we live in, we too go through 4 seasons. We must till the soil. Get ready and prepare for what you are about to plant. Research whatever it is that you are wanting to go into. Pray about it and ask God if this is indeed for you. When He says yes, then you enter into your season to plant. That is our season to put in some work and work HARD and labor fervently. We must keep that work watered with passion, good deeds and good will towards ALL mankind. Not just to Sister So and So at church and Mother Johnson because she is good friends with mama 'nem. We must be good to EVERYBODY! The season to pull up and to pluck. As we seechildork coming into fruition, there will be weeds. These weeds can be situations, circumstances and even people. Learn who and what your weeds are.  Everybody ain't meant to go where you are going. What do weeds do to plants? They destroy them! They make them look less than desirable. Maybe you don't have a husband because you are dealing with something less desirable than your worth. Maybe you can't do better because those "weeds" are all up in your ear trying to tell you what you NEED to do, when you already know what you need to do. During this time is when you feel like giving up because everything you worked so hard for seems like its in vain. Well guess what, ITS NOT! YOUR BLESSING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER! Praise Him even though the outlook doesn't look like its in your favor. Watch that thing turn around! Then we go into Harvest Season....oh this is the best here.! All that hard work you labored, cried, stressed and worried (even though all of that wasn't necessary) has finally come to pass! Congratulations you did it! Praise God for what He has done through you and being allowed to be used!

But someone is saying, "Nieccee, I can't praise Him through what I am going through." I say to you WHY NOT?! What will it hurt? You see, Praise confuses the enemy! You are supposed to be crying and worrying and cussing and stressing. Honey, put on some Hezikiah Walker and lift "Every Praise" or better yet, some Issac Carree "In The Middle Of It" and show the devil who is in charge and Whose child you are! Get into your prayer closet and pray and sing! Even the strongest Christians and FaithWalkers get weak and weary, but God knows we need His help (there ya go, another song by Erica Campbell, "Help").

Don't give up!  Praise God through your storm and see who will gain the victory!


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