Only By Faith
This morning I was reading my devotional as I do every morning but I received a revelation over my life as I read it. The scripture was Genesis 22: 1-14. This scripture is in regards of God testing Abraham’s faith. Abraham offered his only son Issac up as a sacrifice. But just as he was about to sacrifice his only son, God provided “a ram in a thicket”.
The beginning tells us that God told Abraham to offer Issac as a burnt offering. The Bible doesn’t say it but I’m sure Abraham said to himself: “God, its my only boy and you want me to sacrifice him?” But out of obedience Abraham did exactly what God instructed. Often times we don’t listen to what God tells us to do. We try to compromise with God. We tell Him, “Not this time, God.” That’s when things go haywire and the first thing we do is blame Satan. Its not always Satan. Sometimes, often times, we get into our own way. So when you tell God what to do, He is such gentleman. He steps right on out the way and let you handle things as if you know what’s best for you. But when you have faith in God, you move out of your own way and say “Jesus, take the wheel!”
When we trust God, we believe that something greater than us in charge and no matter what it looks like our faith in Him allows us to believe it has already come to pass! When we trust in someone or something, we put our faith in them. Hebrews 11:1 states “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things seen.” If you continue to read this chapter, you will see our forefathers of faith and what they believed and how God worked things out for them. If He has done all of that for them, then imagine what works he has in store for you! God does use the perfect to glorify Him. He uses the broken, the weak, the weary, the worn out, the tired. The prostitute, the drug dealer, the ex-felon, the adulterer to testify to His goodness. He uses everyday people to show us that He can do it. Only if we let Him.
By no way am I perfect. I have done somethings that I am not proud of but I have learned that all of this is apart of my story, my testimony. I will not let my past hinder me. I have to never make those mistakes again. God is able and is willing. When you let go and let God, all things will fall into place. I had to learn I couldn't handle it. John 14:1 says “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me.” I had to learn even though I asked her, “Debra” couldn't help me. I had to learn that even though I asked others to pray for me, God wanted to hear from me. I was hurting. My husband was hurting. My children were hurting. But when I let go and gave it to the ONLY ONE who could help me and believe with my whole heart, true healing began. Not just for me, but my family too.
If you put your trust in things of the world, that is your idol. Money, material things, men/women. Try putting your trust in those things above. Where do you put your trust?
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