Turning Over A New Leaf in The New Year!

As 2013 comes to a close, we all naturally take this time to reflect on the accomplishments in this past year. We also tend to look at the areas that didn't quite take off the way we hoped they would, and that's okay too. Prayerfully we have learned something about ourselves through the good and the bad during the year and decide which things we need to carry into the new year and leave the remainder where it is.  Everyone wants to be better than they were the past year. Everyone wants growth, maturity, wealth. But not many people want Jesus. What they don't understand is that with Him, all that other stuff that was just mentioned, will be extra!

Change is supposed to be for the better. When we change we "turn around". Some change for the better while others change for the worse. The outcomes for the worse are sometimes needed for someone to understand what God wants to do in their lives. Sometimes consequences of others actions affect us as well. Sometimes we want better but just don't want to do what takes to get better. And there are those of us who have what I call the "Eeyore Syndrome." All they every say is "whoa is me!" They need a nudge in the proper direction. Down on their knees and ask God to give them the help that they so desperately need.

2014 has a lot of people optimistic. It has so much promise and so much joy inside of it because we haven't seen it yet! Yes! We should be optimistic and joyful. Yes! We should shout the roofs off because we have made it to see it! But what happens when things don't quite go as we hoped they would?  Do we abandon 2014 and push it off onto 2015? We shouldn't. With change should come patience. And when you realize the mistakes you've made, you sit down and analyze some things. Why did it turn out like this? Why did I do that? What can I do differently so this won't happen again? When we realize those answers, we will head in the right direction.

Even through the mistakes, talk to God. He is always there. He wants to hear your failures and mistakes just like the good you do. Yes He already knows it happened, but sometimes just saying "God, I messed up" carries so much relief!

So in the spirit of change, try to consult God in ALL the major decisions in your life (the minor ones too). Ask Him for His help even when you feel you don't need it. Change comes with eliminating the negative energy, people, places and things. Some may be your favorite family members and friends. Favorite places to go and things to do. If its not helping your vision in 2014, IT CANT GO WITH YOU!

Be blessed and Happy New Year!

D. J. Pettaway


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